Diamond Platinumz Releases a new Single: Salome. Asks Fans to post S3xually Provocative Material on Instagram – Here are a few

Diamond releases a new single

Diamond Platinumz Releases a new Single: Salome
Diamond Platinumz Releases a new Single: Salome

I am a big fan of Diamond Platinumz and he has released a new single titled #SALOME What captured my attention about this is that he has asked his fans to post videos of themselves “wakikata kiuno” These s3xually provocative videos are all over his IG page.

This is not the first time that Diamond has posted controversial material on his page. People are always complaining about Zari and him posting post s3x images. Just check out the links below of the videos posted on his page.

And btw… what do you thing about his new single Salome? Please leave your comments below.diamond-platinumzzari-and-diamond-in-bed-together1



A video posted by Amosi Mzoke (@amosimzoke) on




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