KPMG Report on IEBC
10 Serious Gaps at IEBC that can allow rigging - KPMG Report on IEBC

The audit of the IEBC voter register by KPMG revealed 10 glaring security loopholes that could be exploited to manipulate the August elections.

The loopholes could be used by those in power, especially Jubilee, to rig the August elections.

According to KPMG, the loopholes in the IEBC register and electoral system are;

1. There are two default administrator accounts whose default passwords have not been changed. These could be used by authorized persons to delete, add
or amend voter register.

2. Audit logs for monitoring super user activity on the data base have not been activated. One can manipulate the register without other users
detecting changes.

3. There is no security configuration to prevent cyber attacks, which means the IEBC systems could be hacked by whoever wants to.

4. There was no audit to assess the risk of unauthorized persons accessing and manipulating the data.

See More Next page plus IEBC boss Wafula Chebukati response to this claims 2 Below or click here


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