Irvin Randle is Gay
Irvin Randle is Gay

irvin-randle-2 irvin-randlescreenshot_2016-09-16-12-00-14

Do you guys remember Irvin Randle the good looking older gentleman who stole ladies hearts all over the world in July? Who was dubbed #MrStealYourGrandma? He is gay!! A few young men had come out saying that the gentleman is man booty lover, an accusation he vehemently denied, saying that young men are just jealous of him. It has now been confirmed.

A young gentleman has posted photos of him and Irvin looking all cozy. Sorry ladies, I’m sure many hearts have been broken today.

Post your comments below on your opinion on #MrStealYourGrandma. Is it a sin to be gay? We want to hear your opinion.


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